SAN BRUNO PARK SD IS BACK! We are just 3 days away from the first day of school and we are thrilled! Thank you to our community partners, Vice President Shea, Trustee Sanchez, Trustee Blanco, and Trustee Chavez who were on-site to welcome back our SBPSD team!
over 2 years ago, San Bruno Park School District
teachers in workshop
people grilling hot dogs
Medication Authorization - Required if medicine is to be administered on campus
over 2 years ago, San Bruno Park School District
over 2 years ago, San Bruno Park School District
YMCA Childcare Information
over 2 years ago, Portola Elementary School
Immunizations (Attention 1st Grade Parents!!) As a reminder, TB tests are REQUIRED for all FIRST GRADERS. For ALL STUDENTS, all immunizations must be up to date prior to returning to campus in the fall.
over 2 years ago, Portola Elementary School
Welcome to Portola Elementary School's new website and mobile app!
over 2 years ago, Portola Elementary School