Calling all adult Bulldogs! We need you! Looking for a little extra coffee money and a way to help out at school? Please email Ms. Hennessy if you are interested in joining our team at . Here are the open positions at Rollingwood based on current county restrictions. More opportunities to come as we open up.
Lunchtime Yard Aide
11:25 - 12:10 Daily (Tk/Kindergarten)
12:00 - 12:45 Daily (1st - 2nd)
12:10 - 12:50 Daily (3rd - 5th)
School Site Council and English Language Learner Committee Members (non paid positions)
The Rollingwood School Site Council (SSC) and English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) are looking for new parent members. By law, each parent is allowed to serve only a two year term and some of our dedicated parents have completed two terms. The primary task of these committees are to oversee Rollingwood’s Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). The plan reflects the district and school goals. Meets about 5 times a year for 1 hour on Zoom. Please fill out nomination form below.