7-11 Committee

The committee consists of 7 to 11 members, representatives of:

  • Ethnic, age group, and socio-economic composition of the District;

  • Business community (store owners, managers or supervisors); 

  • Teachers;

  • Landowners or renters (preference to neighborhood association representative) 

  • Administrators;

  • Parents of students and;

  • Persons with expertise in environmental impact, legal contracts, building codes, land use planning (including local zoning and land use restrictions).

The committee’s duties include:

  • Review the projected school enrollment and other data provided by the District to determine the amount of surplus space and real property;

  • Establish a priority list of use of surplus space and real property that will be acceptable to the community;

  • Cause to have the priority list circulated throughout the attendance area;

  • Provide for hearings of community input on acceptable uses of space and real property, including sale or lease for child care development purposes per Ed. Code §17458;

  • Make a final determination of limits of tolerance of use of space and real property; and

  • Provide a report to the Board recommending a determination of whether real property is surplus and recommending uses for any surplus property. (Ed.Code §17390)

The committee actions are:

  • Review demographics

  • Investigate potential surplus sites

  • Evaluate District needs

  • Evaluate market for property

  • Restrictions on reuse (zoning, suitability, Naylor Act)

  • Formulate recommendations

  • Hold public hearing(s)

  • Finalize recommendations

The final committee report should include:

  • A determination of school(s) appropriate for closure;

  • A determination of highest and best use of property based, in part, on consultation with local zoning authorities to determine potential permissible uses;

  • Information based on a District-obtained title report to evaluate the effect of any restrictions, covenants or reversionary clauses (optional);

  • Information regarding whether any state bond funds have been granted within the last 10 years for improvement of the property (Ed. Code §17462.3)

7-11 Committee Public Hearing Notice

All meetings will be from 6:00 - 7:30 pm and will be held at the San Bruno Park School District Office.

Should you have any questions, please contact Wendy Richard, Associate Superintendent at wrichard@sbpsd.k12.ca.us